Selection at ( features top performing suppliers with more than 2,000,000 high quality
products from over 40 categories. These suppliers have a proven track record of successful Trade Assurance transactions
Selecting these suppliers offering 100% product quality, on-time shipment & payment protection can make your purchasing
experience on a stress-free one*!

Know Your Suppliers

Huge volume purchases online with an unknown supplier can be intimidating. With Selection, you can find out more about your supplier by viewing their transaction history, including the number of transactions and turnover.

Enhanced Sourcing

How do you search for the most relevant products quickly and easily from over 40 categories?
Easy. Use our tags such as ‘Supplier’s Choice’, ‘Most Popular’ and ‘Quality Choice’ to filter your search.

Products tagged as

'Supplier’s Choice’ refer to trending products highly recommended by suppliers;
'Most Popular’ indicates the most viewed products by global buyers;
'Quality Choice’ represents quality products with detailed information and Trade Assurance protection.

Get Full Protection

Selection only features suppliers with Trade Assurance protection.
You can get a refund on the covered amount of your payment in the event of the following: Products are not shipped on-time as set in the contract;or Quality of your products are not up to the standards set in the contract.