How to use AliSourcePro

Submit detailed Buying Request
Check for quotations
Build your deal online
Submit a detailed
Buying Request
A Buying Request tells suppliers your exact sourcing requirements. It should include information like your material preferences and size requirements.
Check for
You will be sent a notification email each time you receive a new quotation. Please check your email inbox regularly.
Build your deal online
Use our comparison tool to check the quotation details and the background of different suppliers. Alter finding the right supplier, contact them online or place a sample order directly.
Success Stories
Mr. Mario Cardona
Mario Cardona of Global Security Services , a Malta company, explains how AliSourcePro has benefited his business
Global Security Services
Chief Executive Officer
Buyers' Voices
Christine Di***ks
AlisourcePro is the best way to research and purchase all types of great products manufactured in China.

It is secure, professional and fast.
Anita Sh***zian
I was very satisfied with this sourcing program, it works fast, easy and it's very user friendly platform.

I found exactly the items that I was looking for.
Rodrigo J***k
This tool was extreamly usefull, I'm really glad I could get at least 7 suppliers with great prices in really short time.

Every company should use this tool! Awsome!
Volume Buyer
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