
In order to provide our users with better service and an improved buying experience, will reserve the inquiry reply function to verified Gold Suppliers starting on January 1st, 2016.

We suggest unverified members upgrade their membership to Gold Supplier so they can enjoy's premium services and full supplier functions.

After inquiry policy update, you can only reply to buyer inquires when you receive as Verified Status. To avoid missing out on any important inquiries, we suggest you active Gold Supplier membership before 2016 January 1st.
Upgrade to Gold Supplier

About Gold Supplier Membership:

What are the benefits?

  • Exclusive access to buyer inquires
  • 3rd party authentication and verification
  • First level ranking on buyer search results
  • Professional company website
  • Unlimited product posting
Learn more

How do I upgrade?

Membership Options:
US $1,899 US $3,499US $6,499
1 year Gold Supplier Basic Membership
[ US $1,399 ]
1 year Gold Supplier Standard Membership
[ US $2,999 ]
1 year Gold Supplier Premium Membership
[ US $5,999 ]
Extra Inquiries Package
[ US $500 ]
Extra Inquiries Package
[ US $500 ]
Extra Inquiries Package
[ US $500 ]
The upgrade process takes 3 to 15 days.

Gold Supplier Success Stories:

Do you have any questions?

You can contact our team at:
To learn more about our Gold Supplier membership, click here.* reserves the right of final explanation about this project